共為你找到:200筆new one co 黑色64g 相關企業資訊
Chuan-Yi Enterprise was established in June 1995. We’ve been in the power connector production business for more than 2 decades. Guan-Yin Enterprise Co. Ltd. was first established in 1979; Sixteen years later, the company name was then modified to Chuan-Yi. Chuan-Yi’s production of pins, communication accessories, computer connecter (D-sub connectors, Coaxial, power connectors) MCX, MMCX, SMA, adapters, etc… has a long history in the market. With our professional engineering development and outstanding staff members, we have absolute faith in providing the best quality of services and products for our dear customers. Your feedback and satisfaction would always be the motivation for us to continue growing and progressing. Accordingly, we believe your needs for new products and designs will be cautiously and respectfully taken care of.
MICTECH was founded in 1993. Automotive electronic control professional design and manufacturing company. Currently in the automotive electronic control aspects has more than 30 kinds of the patent. Is one of TOYOTA、DAIHATSU accessories suppliers in Taiwan. We have a professional and innovative R D team. Adhere to quality and customer first for business purposes. In automotive electronics, more than twenty years of experience. In the auto parts to the field of power driven development experience is very rich. Very much welcome the commission of any co-operation and development projects.
打拼事業需要一股熱情的傻勁,能夠把自己的喜好投注於開創的事業上,是最幸福的事。2007年開幕至今這位日本老闆希望台灣的朋友能一起來體驗飛鏢流行文化。我們有齊全的電子飛鏢遊戲給英雄好漢和辣妹俏妞們聚集的DARTS ONE位於大安路一段84巷19號1樓。也就是錢櫃Sogo店旁邊的巷子裡。希望知道飛鏢和不知道飛鏢這遊戲的朋友們來到DARTS ONE享受飛鏢運動的活力氛圍。把這裡當成自家的休閒娛樂室,來到店裡的客人就跟我們久別重逢的好友一樣。沒有國籍限制沒有認識或不認識。大家都是好朋友 開心最重要 歡迎您有空來走走喔!
Doosan is building a brighter and happier future for people with its power plant technology implemented in Sipat, India, Tennessee, USA, Shuaibah, Saudi Arabia, Ras Laffan, Qatar, and Qinshan, China. Doosan has so far built over 300 nuclear, thermal, combined cycle and hydro power plants. Doosan is currently building more than 60 power plants in Korea, USA, India, China and other countries. Doosan is fast becoming an EPC contractor as a result of continuous investments and R&D, while also developing wind power systems, fuel cells and environmentally friendly next-generation energy. Doosan is one of the few companies in the world that has proprietary technologies for all the three desalination methods (which are MSF, MED and RO) and water/wastewater treatment. Doosan is currently the best in the field of MSF (Multi Stage Flash) desalination with a global market share of over 40%. Doosan is the one that built the world’s largest Shuaibah Desalination Plant Phase 3 with a daily desalination capacity of 880,000 tons in Saudi Arabia as well as the world’s first hybrid desalination plant combined with both MSF and RO systems in Fujairah, UAE. As a total water solution provider, Doosan is creating value for the world. Doosan also supplies casting and forging products, which are the basic materials for power and desalination plants. Doosan is one of the best companies in the world in SOC projects such as road, port, airport and subway construction as well as in the construction of industrial plants. Doosan will strive to become the ‘Global Leader In Power & Water’ through continuous corporate restructuring, marketing expansion, technology R&D and development of new growth engines. 本公司韓商斗山重企業股份有限公司,目前在高雄縣永安鄉興達發電廠承攬”興達一、二號機鍋爐性能改善及增設選擇性觸媒還原設備工程計畫”之建造工程。急需專業人士一同參與。
Obigo is a leading service/product company in the mobile industry. Obigo has a product offering including wide range of mobile data applications including Browser, MMS, Email, SyncML, etc. Obigo has global top handset OEMs and ODMs as key product customers. Obigo’s mobile browser is the competitive product supporting wide range of device segments from WAP to Full HTML browser. Obigo’s new Q7 browser provides the best web experience on the mobile device and is one of the top players in the full browser market with key customers including Samsung, LGE and Motorola.
IKEA is the worlds leading home furnishings retailer with 123,000 coworkers and annual sales surpassing 21.5 billion euro. Our vision is to create a better everyday life for the many people. We do it by offering a wide range of well-designed, functional home furnishing products at prices so low, that as many people as possible can afford them. Our task in IKEA TRADING is to reduce product & logistic cost, improve quality, and develop factory conditions, and to assure that the products we develop and purchase are available in our 267 stores and 34 franchisees worldwide - so that all 590 million IKEA store visitors a year can buy them! As one of IKEA Trading Service Offices, we do this in co-operation with our Head Office in Sweden and other 30 Trading Service Offices around the world. Currently we are looking for the following talents who wish to grow, both as individuals and in professional roles, so that, together, we can work towards creating a better everyday life for our customers and ourselves
We established our first factory in Taichung, Taiwan in 1989. In 1996, we moved the factory to Shenzhen, China in order to take the advantage of lower labor cost and high quality workmanship. In order to provide better service to client and meet client’ s increasing demand, we founded a new factory in Vietnam and it has been put into production since June, 2008. Bouvrie has been conducted by a group of Taiwan managers who has excellent skills in furniture field of 15-25 years. We are very professional in manufacturing small to medium size of wood furniture, such as occasional pieces, curio cabinet, dining table, office series, armoire. It is not by chance that Bouvrie is the one of the best medium size furniture factory in Vietnam and most successful dedicated independent furniture factory, It is by plan and by charter. We have experienced strong growth by being a true partner with our customers. Companies around the world have trusted Bouvrie with their high quality since the day we founded the company in 1989 and we continue to work hard at earning that trust every day. We understand the competitive nature of our customer’s business and we are sensitive about how to make them stronger.
黑色餅乾成立於1999年,為藝人規劃各項表演事業。 自2004年起為增加旗下藝人表演機會,已藝人經紀為根基,進而參與投資製作電視劇電影及發行等業務。
企業簡介 聯代廣場( www.co-helper.com.tw )是由聯信廣場有限公司所創,聯合全台代書(地政士)事務所,為專業合格代書的預約媒合平台。全台灣代書事務所超過上千家,您必須一家一家比較詢問,又大多辦理事務難易不一,實際還是需要依照個人狀況評估。因此能為您提供服務對象,一定是專業且合格的代書,透過聯代廣場方便且快速的合格代書預約媒合平台,讓有代書需求的您能在最短的時間內找到可信任的專業代書『通過國家考試合格具備合格證照』為您服務,並且可以在線上詢問任何代書相關問題。 新互聯經濟時代已經來臨,網路資訊、社群與行動裝置結合已成趨勢,逐漸改變了組織工作型態與文化,並重新定位人與人之間的連結,連帶影響了客戶群、員工、夥伴、投資者間的互動關係。2012年8月兩位交大電控研究所同窗,有幸參與[IBM]與[商業週刊]舉辦的“新互聯經濟研討會”後,深信「互聯經濟」將是產業的發展趨勢,又鑒於代書找尋不易,於是聯代廣場(www.co-helper.com.tw)的概念開始萌芽。2013 年3月在台北創立聯信廣場有限公司,並於7月聯代廣場正式上線服務大眾。 因為一般民眾不易透過網路接觸到代書,以及各家代書事務所報價資訊不對稱,使得民眾不容易在短時間找到可信任且合適自己的代書服務。聯信廣場創辦人感觸甚深,當初自己買房子需要詢求代書辦理房屋買賣過戶及房貸利率諮詢,卻都只能一家一家詢問、慢慢比較,想省時間上網查詢資訊還差點被騙,最後因時效所限只能倉促辦理,所幸買房一事最終圓滿落幕,但辦理時間長,過程難免擔心受怕,相信大多的人都有跟我一樣的困擾。 因此,我們決定放下原本高薪的工作,以台灣社會安定和科技進步為願景,一起創辦了聯代廣場,期許提供民眾一個免費、安全、可靠的預約系統平台,進而幫助到更多有代書需求的人,可以快速又簡單的找到合格代書,同時期望各代書事務所也能透過聯代廣場傳達口碑。我們希望能用更開放的資訊及新互聯互通的創新工作模式,提高代書的工作效率及服務品質,進而解決民眾迫切的需求。
企業簡介 台灣三和技術股份有限公司為日本株式會社SANWA TECHNOS在台獨資成立之子公司。株式會社SANWA TECHNOS在日本已有50年的歷史,主要業務內容為發電廠配管的生產製作。台灣三和技術承襲日本母公司50年來所累積的高效率生產方式與品質管理。不只是配管,各種焊接工件皆可承製並提供價格合理且高品質的產品與服務。
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